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MMG_Wakefield_Ambulatory_Care_2013_05-299_316x210A brain tumor can upend your family's lives. School gets disrupted, doctors' visits become frequent, and worry takes its toll. At the Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM), we combine cutting-edge technology and skilled, multidisciplinary care to make life for you and your family as easy as possible during this difficult time.

Complex and delicate, brain tumors are the second most common form of cancer in children and adolescents. Because of the location and nature of these tumors, they require sophisticated technologies, leading-edge treatments, and highly skilled care providers. CHAM is the only local children's hospital with a complete range of cancer treatment options, including at-home chemotherapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy, and an ambulatory chemotherapy program.

Leading Treatments, Talented Doctors
Addressing the physical and emotional needs of patients and their loved ones, our integrated team includes some of the nation's finest pediatric specialists. We equip our experts with state-of-the-art technology, education tools, and leading edge treatment options to continuously improve care. We've earned a reputation for excellence in surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, and more. All of our patients benefit from the combined experience and expertise of our tumor board, which meets weekly to review each case and determine the most effective individualized strategy.

Patient-First Care, Cutting-Edge Research
We know that finding time to see all of your specialists in the right place and in the right order can be challenging. That's why at CHAM, we dedicate office hours, so you can see your entire healthcare team at the same time and place.

Our patients have access to the very best and most promising national clinical trials, thanks to our partnership with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Additionally, CHAM is heavily involved in developing our own treatment agents in our bid to develop effective chemotherapy treatments for children and adolescents.