Pursuing Research & Innovation to Advance Nursing Science

Critical thinking and a spirit of inquiry are essential to nursing at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM). Our nurses receive extensive training in developing, implementing and presenting research projects on a wide range of subjects; each brings a unique perspective and insight to our research. Such endeavors reflect ongoing commitment to combining research with clinical practice to further treatment and diagnostic innovation.
Our nurses understand that inquiry is vital to their integral role in the organization, and staff education and preparation include a clear explanation of nursing research and its link to evidence-based practice.
Our recent initiatives include Nursing Scholars at the Bedside and the Nursing Visiting Scholars Program.
Encouraging Research in Areas of Expertise
Our nurses have opportunities to pursue research that relates to their clinical specialty and interests. Likewise, the Nursing Research Committee has been pivotal in assisting and promoting projects and research findings. Recent projects include the evaluation of e-testing, the examination of a critical care predictive model, and using qualitative and quantitative data to determine which patients might benefit from an ICU admission.
NICHE Designation and Nursing Research Symposiums
Our recent designation as a NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) facility reflects the strong emphasis that nursing leadership places on research. Nurses’ research is showcased through annual symposiums and presentations, a reflection of the pride we take in their many accomplishments and the central role of collaborative scientific inquiry in nursing at CHAM.
Our Annual Nursing Research Symposium displays the best of our nursing scholars and their research endeavors from the previous year. Nurses from many disciplines submit research presentations.
Abstracts of the research studies—investigating topics ranging from the impact of nurse practitioner (NP) - led phone call intervention for caregivers of loved ones with acquired brain injury post subarachnoid hemorrhage, to the effect of legislative mandatory public reporting of healthcare-associated infections in the acute care setting—are presented in Nursing Research at Montefiore, a journal distributed to each attendee.
Project posters are displayed at the event, and nurse researchers who do not present attend as well to explain their studies.
The symposium, which is approaching its fifth year, seeks to provide tools and resources for healthcare professionals through the advancement of clinical, behavioral and educational research within an interdisciplinary and collaborative framework.