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Respiratory and Sleep Medicine



Pediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine provides diagnosis and treatment for a wide variety of respiratory illnesses in infants, children and adolescents. We offer comprehensive consultation and follow-up of a variety of complex respiratory conditions including asthma, rare lung diseases, chronic respiratory failure and technologically dependent children, neuro-muscular and chest wall disorders, bronchiectasis, congenital lung anomalies, airway anomalies as well as a range a sleep disorders. Our evaluation when necessary, includes diagnostic imaging, flexible bronchoscopy, pulmonary function testing, exercise stress testing and sleep studies.

Our Sleep Center is the only full-service sleep laboratory and evaluation center dedicated exclusively to children in the New York metropolitan area. Our multidisciplinary team provides state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of each child's sleep problems including the treatment of narcolepsy, insomnia, and behavioral sleep issues.

We offer specialized services at our Sleep Center for a variety of sleep disordered breathing and for patients requiring non-invasive positive pressure ventilation such as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BPAP) or other techniques; at the Technology Dependent Center for patients with tracheostomy who may or may not be dependent on a ventilator; and at the Asthma Center for comprehensive assessment of difficult to manage asthma.

We are also part of the Aerodigestive Center of Children’s Hospital Montefiore and provide unique multidisciplinary services to patients with a wide range of complex airway problems.

We have several Board certified physicans and qualified nurse practitioners whose primary aim is to provide excellent clinical care and service to our patients.


Deepa Rastogi, MD
Our division’s mission is to relieve the daily burden imposed on patients with respiratory and sleep disorders and their caregivers by providing excellent, compassionate care and continuous support.

Deepa Rastogi, MD

Chief, Division of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Director, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship Program


CHAM_Pulmonology_Sleep_2011_07_116_316x210.jpgCHAM’S Sleep Disorders Center and Division of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine offer the only full-service sleep laboratory and evaluation center dedicated exclusively to children in the New York metropolitan area.

Our team is actively involved in clinical, translational and basic science research investigations (with grants from the NIH, private foundations and others) that, among other things, examine the relationship between obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) and how certain antibodies relate to asthma in children. 



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