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Contact the Division of Neonatology

Specialists in neonatal care, we offer consulting services, regular nursery care, premature birth care and treatment of babies with mild to severe illnesses—across four different integrated facilities. As a baby’s and family’s first pediatric caregiver, our neonatologists often begin their work by providing prenatal consultation to women experiencing preterm labor, carrying multiple babies or following the finding of a possible congenital malformation that may require special preparation for the birth and coordination of treatment services for the infant.

Our team works closely with our obstetric partners through the Fetal Medicine Management Program. Their risk assessment and maternal transfer programs are so effective that over 90% of high risk babies are born within our facilities, assuring that mother and baby are not separated after birth. If we know that your newborn will need immediate surgery, you can meet with the appropriate specialists and surgeons during the prenatal period. Our team of surgical consultants includes all of the pediatric subspecialties: general pediatric surgery, chest and heart surgery, neurosurgery, craniofacial and reconstructive surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, ear-nose-and-throat and urology.


The tiniest, most fragile newborns require the highest quality of care. Our board-certified neonatologists, neonatal practitioners, neonatal nurses and respiratory therapists, pediatric hospitalists, pediatric surgeons, and extended team of neonatal specialists and support staff work together to provide safe, effective care for your little one. We partner with parents and colleagues from other specialties to provide the most effective care for your baby.


VON Member

Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Einstein is a member of Vermont Oxford Network (VON), a worldwide community dedicated to improving the quality, safety, and value of care for newborn infants and families. VON, a nonprofit collaboration, facilitates the world’s largest databases of practices and outcomes for neonatal care and supports data-driven quality improvement, education, and research. Through participation in a VON database, the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Einstein receives benchmarking reports to identify local quality improvement initiatives with the goal of providing ever-improving care for infants and families.


Shantanu Rastogi, MD

The tiniest, most fragile newborns require the highest quality of care. The board-certified neonatologists, neonatal practitioners, pediatric surgeons, and extended team of neonatal specialists and support staff work together to provide safe, effective care for your little one.

Shantanu Rastogi, MD

Chief, Division of Neonatology



Our board-certified neonatologists, neonatal practitioners, pediatric surgeons, and extended team of neonatal specialists and support staff have the proven track record to provide the best possible care for your infant. Our team includes experts in neonatal respiratory care, neonatal nutrition, neonatal heart diseases, premature babies, and neonatal surgery. We’ve helped over 10,000 babies since the 1970’s.  

If we know that your newborn will need immediate surgery, you can meet with the appropriate specialists and surgeons during the prenatal period. Our team surgical includes consultants in all pediatric subspecialties, including surgery, heart surgery, neurosurgery, craniofacial and reconstructive surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, ear-nose-and-throat surgeons and urology.

Services & PROGRAMS



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Education & Training

Weiler_NICU_2013_12-346_316x210The Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Program at CHAM is one of the leading referral and delivery centers in the Bronx and Westchester County. We have an active neonatal transport service that supports our unit and other referral level III NICUs in surrounding communities. Our fellows are exposed to significant pathophysiological diversity and all forms of neonatal surgeries and neonatal neurointensive procedures. We offer a total of six fellowship positions, which involve a balance of scholarly, educational, and clinical duties.



Learn About Our Fellowship Program


The Division of Neonatology at Children's Hospital at Montefiore is home to nationally-recognized specialists ad National Institute of Health-funded physician-scientists who conduct laboratory based and patient-focused, translational research with the goal of improving pregnancy outccomes. To learn more about our faculty's research efforts, go here.

See why so many applicants choose Montefiore Einstein

Take the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Programs Virtual Tour

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