
Welcome to

Nursing at CHAM

Nursing at CHAM at Cham

Nursing At CHAM

Continuous Learning and Professional Development

Meeting the coming challenges in healthcare delivery will require a firm commitment to lifelong learning. The continuing pursuit of knowledge is now critical to achieving high-quality outcomes in the complex environments where nurses practice.

We cultivate an atmosphere of continuous learning, where nurses are offered ample and ongoing opportunities to educate themselves about ways to maximize patient care, innovation and cutting-edge developments in healthcare.

Education Programs and Other Mechanisms for Advancement

Our robust professional development, education programs and initiatives are available to all of our nurses—from the newly minted to the well-established. Our practices and programs include:

  • Leadership development seminars designed and conducted by the Division of Education and Organizational Development.
  • Mentorship and professional management.
  • Clinical and management continuing education courses, with contact hours awarded.
  • Continuing Education Units for Nursing offered through eLearning modules and at various events throughout the hospital.
  • Workshops on enhancing communication, problem solving and effective delegating.
  • Management and leadership skills forums and learning circuits.
  • A summer Clinical Assistance Program to nursing students, giving them invaluable hands-on clinical experience, preceptorship with a professional nurse, and a professional development series to advance clinical knowledge.

Building Nursing Leadership from Within

Our Nursing Visiting Scholars Program brings national and international leaders to share their vision with our staff. The program addresses core aspects of the profession, including nurse-led innovations in healthcare, transcultural nursing, translational nursing research and the future of nursing as outlined in a recent Institute of Medicine report.  We look forward to further hosting and partnering with nursing leaders—an invaluable opportunity as we advance the future of nursing and healthcare.