Social Pediatrics Rounds & Tuesday Curriculum
This core conference and curriculum is held weekly, providing social pediatrics residents advocacy training based on monthly themes such as:
Housing Insecurity | Child & Family in Crisis | Child Welfare |
Education | Health Literacy | Mental Health |
Global Health | Community Advocacy | Linguistics |
Health Policy | Social Drivers of Health | Legislative Advocacy & Community Collaboration |
Juvenile Justice | Research Design | |
Components of Tuesday afternoon curriculum also include home visits, a biopsychosocial case conference, housing and family court visits, community outreach, research presentations, journal club, policy rounds and board review. Residents also participate in several advocacy/lobby days in Albany and Washington DC.
There are also weekly Monday Continuity Clinic conferences at CHCC as well as Community Health Worker Rounds
School Health Program
Social Pediatric residents also participate in a continuity clinic at a Montefiore Medical Center School-Based Health Center, one of the largest school-based health systems in the country.
Other Clinical Experiences
Social Pediatric residents do clinical activities with the Bronx Health Collective’s Health Project, a Montefiore program that utilizes mobile medical vans to provide health care to children and families in various shelters in New York city.
Behavioral Health Focus
Residents work closely with a clinical child psychologist who co-precepts in clinic twice a week. There are also monthly didactic sessions with a bio-psychosocial focus. The clinical training site for the Social Pediatrics program, CHCC, has a comprehensive behavioral health team composed of social workers, clinical psychologists and a child psychiatrist.