
Medical Student Education

Visiting Medical Students

The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Einstein has 17 electives available for visiting students. All scheduling is done on a space-available basis through the Registrar's Office at our Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Our Albert Einstein College of Medicine requires visiting students to submit an application using the  AAMC’s Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO).

Please visit the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Visiting Student webpage.

Our Albert Einstein College of Medicine does not accept international students. Visiting students​ ​must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or have an F-1 student visa issued from their home medical school. Our Albert Einstein College of Medicine also does not accept students from non-accredited LCME medical schools for elective courses, ​except for pre-approved students from one of Einstein’s established Student Exchange Programs or Affiliated Schools. ​ Please see Non-VSLO Application Requirements for more information.