

Pediatric Staff & Alumni Day 2014

Breakfast                                                                                7:30—8:00 am

State of the Department Address                                   8:00—9:00 am

Judy Aschner, MD – Chair, Department of Pediatrics

Workshops                                                                         9:30 am—12:15 pm

Amy Skversky, MD, MS – Division of Nephrology
Joseph Mahgerefth, MD – Division of Cardiology

Mindy Statter, MD – Department of Surgery

Diane Bloomfield, MD – Division of General Pediatrics

Tsoline Kojaoghlanian, MD – Division of Infectious Disease

Lunch                                                                                        12:15—1:45 pm

Afternoon Talks      1:45—2:00 pm
Greeting- Kathryn Scharbach, MD, MS – General Pediatrics

BARNETT LECTURE      2:00—3:00 pm
Autism Spectrum Disorders in 2014: What Every Pediatrician Should Know
Lisa Shulman, MD

UPDATE ON THE LITERATURE 3:00—5:00 pm        
Kathryn Scharbach, MD, MS – General Pediatrics Molly Broder, MD – Administration/CFCC
Bryan Rudolph, MD – Division of Gastroenterology


Judy Aschner, MD
Michael I. Cohen, MD University Chair Professor of Pediatrics
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Physician-in-Chief
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore

Molly C. Broder, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics (General Pediatrics)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Associate Program Director, Pediatric Residency Program
Children's Hospital at Montefiore

Joseph Mahgerefteh, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Pediatric Cardiologist and Attending Physician Children's Hospital at Montefiore

Kathryn Scharbach, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, General Pediatrics Albert Einstein College of 
Medical Director, Linking Individual Needs of Children with Services (LINCS) Program
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore

Amy Skversky, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Nephrology)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Medical Director, Pediatric Dialysis Children's Hospital at 
Diane E. Bloomfield MD, FAAP
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics (General Pediatrics)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Attending Pediatrician
Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Director, Family Care Center Montefiore Medical Center

Tsoline Kojaoghlanian, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Attending Pediatrician
Children's Hospital at Montefiore

Bryan Rudolph, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Gastroenterology & Nutrition)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Attending Physician
Children's Hospital at Montefiore

Lisa Shulman, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics (Child Development)
Director, Infant and Toddler Services, Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC) 
Director, Rehabilitation, Evaluation and Learning for Autistic Infants and Toddlers at Einstein 
Program (RELATE), CERC
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Attending Physician
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore

Mindy B. Statter MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery, Department of Surgery
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Director, General Surgery Residency Program Attending Surgeon, Division of Pediatric Surgery 
Children's Hospital at Montefiore




Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University designates this live activity for a maximum of 5.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Conflict of Interest Statement
The “Conflict of Interest disclosure Policy” of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University requires that faculty participating in any CME activity disclose to the audience any relationship(s) with a pharmaceutical or equipment company. Any presenter whose disclosed relationships prove to create a conflict of interest, with regard to their contribution to the activity, will not be permitted to present. Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University also requires that faculty participating in any CME activity disclose to the audience when discussing any unlabeled or investigational use of any commercial product or device not yet approved for use in the United States.

Special Needs
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center fully comply with the legal requirements of the Americans with disabilities Act. If any participant is in need of special accommodations, please fax a written request two weeks prior to the activity to Cayra Rosario fax 718-405-8091 or call (718) 405- 8093.

Cost is $100 before November 7; $120 after November 7th and at the door. Make check payable to AECOM Pediatric Staff and Alumni Association. Note: Fee is waived for physicians in training.


Contact the Staff & Alumni Association

The Montefiore Staff & Alumni Association
111 East 210th Street
Bronx, NY 10467
Fax: 718-920-8403