Welcome to

Infectious Disease


Education & Training

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Division is committed to educating and training medical students, residents, and fellows and works closely with physician assistants, pharmacists and clinical laboratory directors. Our faculty and fellows have received several mentoring and teaching awards in recognition of their commitment to education. 

Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellowship Program

The Division has an active fellowship training program in pediatric infectious diseases that collaborates extensively with our colleagues in Adult ID, Microbiology-Immunology, and Clinical Pathology and Diagnostics. The fellowship is a 3-year ACGME-accredited program provided by the Department of Pediatrics of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and CHAM, its major teaching affiliated hospital. The goal of this challenging fellowship is to prepare participants for an academic career in the critical field of pediatric infectious disease.

Physicians who are board eligible in pediatrics will receive at least 12 months of in-depth training in the clinical and microbiological aspects of infectious diseases. This will include inpatient consulting, infectious diseases clinic, HIV clinic, antibiotic stewardship and infection control. 

The inpatient ID team includes an ID attending, a Pediatric ID fellow, an ID pharmacist, pediatric residents and senior medical students. Attendings and fellows are on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Inpatient rounds are conducted daily. 

At least 21 months will be devoted to research. Fellows may choose to work in basic, translational or clinical research and have access to mentors in any department at the medical school.  There are also opportunities for Global Health Research experience. There is a weekly combined Adult-Pediatric ID conference, a weekly Pediatric ID case conference and a series of core lectures for all fellows.  The Medical School also offers a Masters in Clinical Research, Bioethics as well as a non-degree granting didactic program for all fellows including biostatistics, study design, and related courses. Upon completion of the program fellows will be eligible for subspecialty boards.

Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP)

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Clinical Research Methods is attained through the Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP). This intensive two-year program is designed for those pursuing a career in investigator-initiated, hypothesis-driven clinical research. The CRTP is a comprehensive program that combines didactic learning and coursework with a mentored research experience. CRTP scholars are drawn from all of Montefiore Einstein’s medical specialties and subspecialties, including those interested in clinical investigation across the entire translational research spectrum.

Learn More


Learn more about the Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellowship Program.

David L. Goldman, MD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Contact No :718-741-2470

See why so many applicants choose Montefiore Einstein

Take the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program Virtual Tour

See why so many applicants choose Montefiore Einstein

Take the Pediatric Fellowship Program Virtual Tour