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Adolescent Medicine


Fellows' Research and Selected Publications

Fellows’ Research Projects: Selected Publications

Iglesias EA, Markowitz ME, Coupey SM. Hormonal contraception and blood lead levels in inner-city adolescent girls. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2008; 21:269-273 PMID: 18794022

Rieder J, Santoro N, Cohen HW, Marantz P, Coupey SM. Body shape and size and insulin resistance as early clinical predictors of hyperandrogenic anovulation in ethnic minority adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2008; 43:115-124 PMID: 18639784

Kaul P, Stevens-Simon C, Saproo A, Coupey SM. Trends in illness severity and length of stay in inner-city adolescents hospitalized for pelvic inflammatory disease. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2008; 21:289-293 PMID: 18794025

Levine S, Coupey SM. Nonmedical use of prescription medications: an emerging risk behavior among rural adolescents. J Adolesc Health 2009; 44:407-409 PMID: 19306802

Khan UI, Rieder J, Cohen HW, Coupey SM, Wildman RP. Effect of modest changes in BMI on cardiovascular disease risk markers in severely obese, minority adolescents. Obes Res Clin Pract 2010; 4:e231-e237 PMID: 24345667

Hollman D, Coupey SM, Fox AS, Herold BC. Screening for Trichomonas vaginalis in high-risk adolescent females with a new transcription-mediated nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT): associations with ethnicity, symptoms, and prior and current STIs. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2010; 23:312-316 PMID: 20493735

Talib HJ, Silver EJ, Coupey SM, Bauman LJ. The influence of individual, partner, and relationship factors on HIV testing in adolescents. AIDS Patient Care and STDS 2013; 27(11):637-645 PMID: 24134644

Maslanskaya S, Coupey SM, Chabra, R, Khan U. Predictors of early discontinuation of effective contraception by teens at high-risk of pregnancy. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2016; 29(3):269-275 PMID: 26526036

Maslyanskaya S, Talib HJ, Northridge JL, Jacobs AM, Coble C, Coupey SM. Polycystic ovary syndrome: an under-recognized cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in adolescents admitted to a children’s hospital. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2017; 30(3): 349-355. PMID: 27903446

Coble CA, Silver EJ, Chhabra R. Description of sexual orientation and sexual behaviors among high school girls in New York City. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2017; 30:460-465 PMID: 28279826

Northridge JL, Silver EJ, Talib HJ, Coupey SM. Reproductive coercion in high-school-aged girls: associations with reproductive health risk and intimate partner violence, J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2017; doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2017.06.007 PMID: 28668360

Fridy RL, Maslyanskaya S, Lim S, Coupey SM. Pediatricians' Knowledge and Practices Related to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives for Adolescent Girls. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2018 Feb 1 doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2018.01.004

Fridy, RL, Maslyanskaya, S, Lim, S, Coupey, SM. Letters to the Editor-Pediatricians and long-acting reversible contraceptive counseling and provision J Pediatr. 2019 Feb; 205:294. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.09.074. Epub 2018 Oct 23. No abstract available. PMID:30366776

Titchen KE, Maslyanskaya S, Silver EJ, Coupey SM. Sexting and Young Adolescents: Associations with Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2019 Jul 19. pii:
PMID: 31330248

Scott NL, Alderman, EM. Case of a girl with a secret. In Talib, HJ, editor, Adolescent Gynecology: A Clinical Casebook, New York City, NY, Springer Science Business Media 2018; 3-11

Scott, N, Maslyanskaya, S. Contraceptive Needs of Adolescents with Chronic Illness. Pediatr Ann. 2019; 48(2):e78-e85. PMID: 30747984

Myszko O, Al-Husayni N, Talib HJ. Painful Periods in the Adolescent Girl. Pediatr Ann. 2020 Apr 1; 49 (4)::e176-e182. PMID: 32275762
Scott N, Silver EJ, Dodson NA, Coupey SM. Does obesity influence body mass index changes in nulliparous adolescent users of long-acting reversible contraceptives? J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2021;34(6):815-820 [Epub 2021 Aug 11] doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2021.08.004. PMID: 34389461
Menezes, M, Alderman, E. Abnormal uterine bleeding in the adolescent. In Halpern-Felsher, B, ed. Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health, New York NY, Elsevier, 2021
Menezes M, Oestreicher J. Legislative solutions to adolescent gun violence. In: Dodson N.A. (eds) Adolescent Gun Violence Prevention. Springer, Cham. 2021