Spina Bifida Clinic and FUNCTION!
Founded in 1967, CHAM’s Spina Bifida Clinic was one of the first of its kind in the United States. Delivering compassionate care to children and adults with spina bifida and other conditions affecting the spinal cord, the clinic brings together specialists from genetics, neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, urology, rehabilitative medicine, and other fields to provide “one-stop shopping.” In 2015, the clinic moved to the Hutchinson Metro Center and became part of CHAM’s FUNCTION! program, which expands the scope of the clinic to such conditions as cerebral palsy, neuromuscular disorders and other conditions.
Center for CardioGenetics
The Montefiore Einstein Center for CardioGenetics (MECC) aims to provide multidisciplinary care to families that have been affected by the tragic loss of a loved one due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or sudden unexpected death syndrome (SUDS). In addition to geneticists and genetic counselors, the Center’s team includes pediatric and adult cardiologists, psychologists and social workers, all of whom work
Center for Congenital Disorders
As the only practice of its kind in the New York City metro area, CHAM’s Center for Congenital Disorders has offered critical diagnoses and treatments to families dealing with genetic disorders and birth defects since 1987. The Center provides coordinated care for children with Down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities, neurofibromatosis, Marfan syndrome and other single-gene conditions.
Center for Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Center for Genetically-Driven Blood & Immune Disorders (GBIs)
Immunity is a process as old as life itself; it helps our cells recognize friend from foe and then respond appropriately. Our “professional” immune cells are part of the blood, but even our non-blood cells perform important immune functions. When put together, this leads to a formidable army of protection against germs and from attack by one’s own body. When the immune system does not behave the way it should, this may cause affected individuals to have a harder time fighting off infections or cause the body to be fighting itself when it shouldn’t. This leads to autoimmune disease, inflammatory problems or severe allergic symptoms. Some individuals may also have problems making normal blood cells or be at greater risk for developing cancer.
Center for Inherited Metabolic Disorders
The Center for Inherited Metabolic Disorders offers diagnostic and follow-up care to children with inborn errors of metabolism. From newborn screening results and follow-up, through diagnosis and day-to-day management, the team’s staff, composed of a biochemical geneticist, nutritionist and social worker, work together to ensure that infants, children and adults born with phenylketonuria (PKU), galactosemia, maple syrup urine disease and hundreds of other inherited metabolic disorders receive the best care possible.
Montefiore-Einstein Regional Center for 22Q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Also known as velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), 22q11.2 deletion syndrome affects about one in 4,000 children.
Childhood Cancer Predisposition (CCP) Clinic
The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) Childhood Cancer Predisposition (CCP) Clinic was created in 2019 with a focus on diagnosing pediatric cancer predisposition syndromes in patients with a personal and/or family history of cancer/tumors. This clinic brings together clinical genetics, oncology, and social work to help diagnose pediatric cancer predisposition syndromes, arrange familial genetic testing, provide support and guidance to families, and coordinate their management and surveillance.