Welcome to

Adolescent Medicine



At our Division of Adolescent Medicine, teens and young adults (13-20 years old) are listened to and respected as partners in their own healthcare. Whether here for an inpatient or outpatient visit, you will receive the highest quality clinical care delivered by expert physicians. Adolescents and young adults deserve age-appropriate care suited to their specific medical needs.

For over half a century, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) has revolutionized healthcare for teens and young adults in the United States and across the world. Informed by the latest research, our physicians provide consultations in adolescent gynecology, menstrual disorders, sexual health, eating disorders and behavioral problems. Our unrivaled team of physicians, nurses and social workers understands the unique struggles teens and young adults face. We do all we can to keep our adolescent patients healthy with compassionate care, education of health professionals at all levels, advocacy and pioneering research.


Elizabeth Alderman, MD

Our mission is to spearhead innovative healthcare programs for adolescents. We also strive to positively influence national and international policies toward adolescent health.

Elizabeth Alderman, MD

Chief, Division of Adolescent Medicine
Program Director, Adolescent Medicine Fellowship
Attending Physician, Division of Adolescent Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s Health


For teens and parents facing complex chronic illnesses, we seamlessly collaborate with specialists throughout our network. More than any other age group, adolescents seek understanding, appreciation and confidentiality. That’s precisely what we provide while remaining committed to fostering communication with parents and families.

Here for a while? You’ll get the nation’s finest adolescent medical care, thanks to our 28-bed state-of-the-art inpatient unit, our specialized physicians and our pioneering research.










Education & Training

MMG_MAP_2013_05-837_316x210CHAM continues to lead the burgeoning field of adolescent medicine. The three-year fellowship program is designed to provide training through a variety of clinical experiences, formal educational activities and structured research opportunities. The eight faculty members of the Division are committed to personal, supportive mentoring of each fellow in both clinical and scholarly pursuits.



Learn About Our Fellowship Program



The Division of Adolescent Medicine at CHAM has always been a leader in cutting edge research to maximize the health of adolescents and young adults.  Learn more about our research on new contraceptive methods for teen pregnancy prevention, improving the health of adolescents with HIV/AIDs, as well as those at high risk for these conditions and ensuring the health of obese adolescents. Moreover, our faculty has been involved in a project of the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, creating and evaluating a novel pediatric and adolescent gynecology curriculum for residents.

Learn More About Our Research

See why so many applicants choose Montefiore Einstein

Take the Pediatric Residency Program Virtual Tour

Take the Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Program Virtual Tour